McSherrystown Borough Office of Open Records
As per the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law the McSherrystown Borough Open Records Policy is as follows:
- Applicant must complete the Public Record Review/Duplication Request Form.
- The form is to be submitted to the Open Records Officer for determination of availability of documents.
- The applicant shall receive a response within five (5) business days from the date of receipt of the written request. If the Borough does not respond within five (5) business days of receipt thereof, the request is deemed denied.
- If access to the public record requested is approved, the public record shall be available for access during the regular business hours of the Borough. The employee shall cooperate fully with the requester and be present when the public records are examined and inspected.
- Fees for duplication of public records have been established as twenty-five cents per page copied.
- In the event the estimated cost of fulfilling a request submitted under this policy is expected to exceed $100, the designated employee shall obtain the expected cost in advance of fulfilling the request to avoid unwarranted expense of Borough resources.
- Further policy information is provided in the ordinance adopted by the Borough on December 10, 2008 and is available for review upon request.
Open Records Request Form